Ph.D. Educational 政府 (K-12 District Leadership)

多年来,K-12, PhD 程序 was built around a residency experience that included coming to the ISU campus in Terre haute, 每学期每周三, along with a week-long summer experience. We have recently modified those requirements to three on-campus seminars per semester, 为期4天的暑期体验. Each on-campus seminar is an all-day Friday (8am – 5pm) and a half-day Saturday (8am – 12pm). The four-day summer experience is in late June, running from 9am – 4pm each day. We hope to maintain a sense of residency for this 程序, yet acknowledging the life of practitioners in today’s busy world.


Additional changes regarding applications and acceptance into the 程序 have been instituted. We are now reviewing applications in the months of November and December only. Our team reviews all applications and in January, determines who to interview for the 15 positions we open with each cohort. Each year we will interview about 25-30 people in March, acceptance letters are sent in April. To be considered for interview and potential acceptance into this 程序, applicants will need to have completed the EdS degree prior to starting in the Fall. Our EdS 程序 is post-Masters, and is seven courses (nine if you want the superintendent license). We do not transfer any doctoral coursework outside of ISU into the PhD 程序. We do consider EdS coursework from other institutions, those decisions are made by the coordinator of that 程序, Dr. 瑞安唐兰. All students must take all ten PhD courses at ISU, meeting a 30-hour requirement.


这是一个基于群体的项目, 因此, students will matriculate through the ten courses over five semesters, 每学期两门课程. Missing courses will simply put the student into the next cohort. 在最后一个学期结束的时候, students will participate in preliminary examinations, 一旦过去, will give students candidacy into the dissertation portion of the 程序, which means they will start the dissertation process. Dissertations usually take about 18 months to three years to complete.


If you have additional questions, please feel free to call or email Dr. 史蒂夫Gruenert,项目协调员.




  • Cohort experience from the superintendency and central office, all levels of the principalship and other administrators.
  • 团队授课课程
  • Designed to serve public and private sector working professionals for positions of leadership in either setting
  • Linkages with a large network of alumni for mentoring and support, many of whom have won statewide honors for their work
  • Scholarship and grant opportunities available to help you to fund your degree


我们的计划和流程正在发生变化. 我们将于2019年夏季开业, a new 程序 that will be replacing our 30-year-old Wednesday Residency 程序. The 校园 Residency Educational Doctorate (信誉) 程序 will begin with two summer courses. The two courses will be covered partly on-line but will include a four day intensive on campus.  学生 will be required to come to campus on the selected four days and attend class, working with the instructors and cohort members. 在秋季和春季学期 students will enroll in three courses. 大多数工作将在网上进行. But three times each term students will come to campus for class on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This will mean possibly missing six school days each semester and committing three Saturdays, or 12 total school days for both semesters and six Saturdays. The following summer would be a repeat of the first summer, with two classes including the four-day intensive sessions. This would be the schedule for the 30 hours or ten core courses of the Ph.D. 程序. After completion of all 72 hours of coursework, students will work on the 18 dissertation hours at their own rate.


We will be starting a new regional 程序 (REDS) in Fall 2019. The REDS 程序 is a two-year five-term commitment to cover the 30 hours or ten core courses of the Ph.D. Each term two courses are taken- Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021. In the summer the two courses are presently all on-line. 在秋季和春季学期, one course is purely on-line while the second is a combination of on-line, 可能的网络直播, and a required one Saturday a month face-to-face session. The face-to-face sessions are at a regional site to be determined, with the exception of one each term possible meeting at ISU. Again, after coursework is completed, the student is responsible for the 18 hours of dissertation.


